2011年,ALPLA在潘泰利蒙(Pantelimon)开设了一家生产工厂,正式进入罗马尼亚市场。ALPLA扩大了在东欧的生产能力,收购了总部位于布拉索夫(Brasov)的Star East PET,专门为本地和国际客户生产饮料、食品和非食品产品的PET瓶坯。两座工厂每年生产超过10亿个瓶坯。2017年,ALPLA继续在罗马尼亚的扩张脚步,在蒂米什瓦拉(Timisoara)开设自主运营办事处。如今,约有180名员工为多个细分市场的品牌提供解决方案。
In 2018, ALPLA expanded its presence in Romania through the purchase of ARGO S.A. with the addition of the Berceni factory near Bucharest, making four factories in Romania. Currently, around 50 employees focus on product groups ranging from PET, PP and PE bottles and canisters to PET and PE jars. The main addressed markets include healthcare, crop protection and food supplements, which increases the customer product portfolio for multinational groups as well as traditional local companies.