Improving recyclable refill packaging solutions for a circular economy

The Clear One Pouch from the front - Designed for Recycling by ALPLA

Eco-friendly resealable packaging solution

Designing for recycling when developing or improving our packaging solutions is a critical factor of success on the journey to a circular economy. Although the requirements are demanding, design for recycling does not have to be like fitting a round peg in a square hole. Our latest innovation, The Clear One, reflects our dedication to the circular economy. The plastic refill container we have designed is easy to recycle and sets a new standard for resealable and packaging thanks to its exceptionally lightweight 100% recyclable PET or rPET construction. It is a perfect eco-friendly alternative for the pouches.

Benefits of our plastic refill container

Two Variants of The Clear One Pouch - Designed for Recycling by ALPLA

The benefits of The Clear One refill container at a glance:

  • Resealable Convenience: Ideal to refill containers, The Clear One offers a user-friendly resealable design, ensuring ease of use and practicality. 
  • Versatile Filling Volumes: Accommodate various product volumes effortlessly, providing flexibility for a range of industries and applications. 
  • Effortless Residue Removal: The fold-up design ensures easy residue removal, maintaining cleanliness and enhancing user experience. 
  • Sturdy Stand-Up Base: The handy stand up base adds stability, making it a reliable and attractive packaging solution.

Unmatched sustainable packaging

Low weight

Weighing in at just 9.8 grams, including the cap, The Clear One pouch excels in lightweight packaging, contributing to reduced environmental impact.

PET monomaterial

Crafted entirely from PET, a material known for its recyclability, The Clear One supports a circular economy by promoting easy and efficient recycling processes.

Established Recycling Flow

The use of PET ensures an established recycling flow, reducing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainability across the supply chain. The pouch for packaging is 100% recyclable.

Use of recycled material (rPET) possible

The Clear One stand-up pouch allows the use of recycled material (rPET), further enhancing its eco-friendly profile.


Are you interested in the possibilities of our refill packaging solutions your wholesale, distributor, retail or personal use? If so, please contact us. Our dedicated team would be happy to look at possibilities and specific solutions for your needs. We are looking forward to assisting you in achieving your sustainable packaging goals. 

Contact us

Waste Collection Bins for Recycling

'Using this new packaging solution, we want to offer a highly recyclable, attractive alternative to pouches. At the moment, refill containers frequently consist of multilayer films that are considered difficult to recycle.' explains Martin Diem, ISBM Expert. Read more on how we used design for recycling to invent this new refill  packaging solution.


Witness the innovation behind our sustainable plastic packaging solutions. Join ALPLA's family of pioneers on a journey where functionality meets sustainability.